Thursday, October 31, 2019

Public Anger And The Occupy Wall Street Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Public Anger And The Occupy Wall Street - Essay Example The idea was obviously to goad and move the government and to convince them that people the limit of patience of a docile public has been reached (Moynihan, 17 March 2012). The OWS movement was a continuation of the anger felt by a frustrated public across the world. This was seen in the Tahrir square of Egypt, the Arab Spring movement of Saudi Arabia, protests in the UK, Spain, Greece, India, Pakistan, Libya, and many other nations. In many places, these movements have succeeded in bringing in some level of change. In Egypt, the President Mr. Mubarak was forced to resign, in the Middle East, changes were brought in the manner in which people were governed, in Greece, the government was forced to change its stance on the Euro. In a way, such movements have brought in changes though not to the extent those were planned. These mass-based movements can be traced to Mahatma Gandhi who used non-violent protests to throw out the British from India. China had the Tiananmen Square protests that ended in a massacre. Such movements become successful when there is a mass-based movement and more people in different cities join the movement. Zit must be a movement by the masses and not by a few. Some discipline, leadership and an agenda are needed else the movement becomes anarchy and lewd acts, violence and anti-social elements take over the movement. It is interesting to see how the common person on the street is affected. When such protestors block roads and they do not allow traffic to pass, people cannot go to work, to school, and the ill cannot go to the hospitals and so on. When traffic is blocked, the government machinery grinds to a halt. Police can be called in but they can do little when the number of protestors is in thousands.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Negative Affects of Social Media Essay Example for Free

Negative Affects of Social Media Essay Social media is like a game. Once you learn and get along with how to use these websites you get addicted to it. For example, now I am addicted to social media. Before I was introduced to social media I did all of my homework and was one of the top students in the class. From that moment I became engage to websites such as facebook, tweeter, ooVoo and instagram. It affected my life pessimistically. For instance, these days I can’t stop checking my facebook and instagram. Furthermore, theses days I am missing lot homework on most of my classes do to the escalating expose of social media. So due to these entire dilemma, I believe social media has many negative effect on teens life. see more:essay on social media First, students/teens spent too much time on social media. For example, Jazmin said she spent more time on websites like fb and texting than homework. â€Å"One quarter of teens say they log on to their favorite social media websites 10 or more times each day† (Gordan). Next due to the use of social media students gets lower grades on test and are lacking on during homework because they are busy chatting, texting, video chatting, etc. For example, I asked Jazmin agrees with me saying that she use social media rather than studying for testes or during homework. At last, teens are not going outside, spending time with family and are not active due to the social media. That’s why social media has negative affect on teen’s life. Next, many teens get cyber bullied through social media. For example, in a 2010 survey of students age 11 to 18 administer by the Cyberbulling Research Center, 20% said they had been cyber bullied. Also in sum cases teens make fake accounts a nd cyber bully other through the social media. Furthermore, in the article call â€Å"Cyberbulling’’ it says that member of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender get bullied more then others. For example in the survey it showed that 36.4% of these members got cyberbullied. At last, another negative effect of the social media is that it impairs students/teens writing skills. For example, sometimes when I am writings important paper I instant to use words like u, wat, c and others words in my writing due to using them numerous times in my texting and chatting. After that, teens become nastiest in spelling and using the proper sentence due to the usage of social media. In the article call â€Å" Grades 9-10 Literacy: The Power of New Media Annotated Student work† it says that student not only become appalling at spellings, grammars but also at literatures. I do know there some optimistic used of social media such as asking for homework they missed. But still, they are incorrect because do to social media teens can’t concentrate on their work. For example, they use social media for violence. Next, teens are constantly checking Facebook to see/get involve in things that are happening. So it distracts them from studying, doing schoolwork and others too. At last, the use social media for negative use like cyberbulling. As a result you can see social media has negative affects on teens life. For example, getting addicted, cyberbulling and it affects students writing skills. Furthermore, due to social media teens are lacking in education and being active. These are the reasons how social media is negative. And also I urge parents to check what your kids are doing and try to get involve in your sons and daughters life little more.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Importance For Effective Care Management Nursing Essay

Importance For Effective Care Management Nursing Essay Under the Nursing and Midwifery Council Guidance on professional conduct confidentiality and anonymity will be maintained at all times to protect the identity of service users, careers, families, healthcare settings and professionals involved (NMC 2009). The NMC Standard of proficiency for pre-registration nursing education (2004) requires student nurses to complete set proficiency, this is to ensure they have the appropriate knowledge and skill required to become a qualified registered nurse. Through learning these specific skills and acquiring the appropriate knowledge, student nurses will be able to perform the role suitable to the position of a qualified staff nurse. One standard of proficiency for entry to the register is care management. Under the domain of care management one must: Demonstrate knowledge of effective inter-professional working practices which respect and utilize the contributions of members of the health and social care team, Delegate duties to others, as appropriate, ensuring that they are supervised and monitored and Demonstrate key skills (such as literacy, numeracy and computer skills needed to record, enter, store, retrieve and organize data essential for care delivery (NMC 2004). The term management is a process of coordination and integration of resources through planning, organizing, coordinating, directing and controlling to accomplish specific institutional goals and objectives (Huber 2006). In relation to care management the care of patients/clients goes through this process of being planned, organized, coordinated, directed and controlled (with input from the clients themselves) by the individual in charge of their care. My experience of care management was both exciting and terrifying. When I was in charge of a bay, I was involved in assessing, delegating and prioritizing patients needs, ensuring tasks such as patient washes, bed change and the drug round (using the seven rights) was completed safely and in an appropriate time. I also had to ensure tasks were being completed and that the workload was disturbed evenly with appropriate help. I was also involved in a working with and exchanging information in a multidisciplinary team, such as doctors, surgeons, physiotherapist and social workers. In order to succeed in care management, there are many skills one must acquire and build on. One of these skills is known as time management. Time management is making optimal use of time available. There are three basic steps to time management, first is setting aside time for planning and establishing priorities. Second is completing the highest priority task first, when possible and finishing one task before starting another. Third is reprioritizing tasks when there is new information (Marquis and Huston 2009). Student nurses will go through a period of transition when they have qualified. By developing skills such as time management one can prepare themselves for the following role transition. The concept of role transition is used to refer to a process of changing from one state to another, a set of expectations that de ¬Ã‚ ne the behavior deems appropriate for the position and involves changing the way one thinks, abilities and acts (Lee, Lin and Hu 2011). Considering the role of a student as a learner compared to the role of a qualified nurse of leading in care management and care delivery situations, maintaining standards of care, making ethical and legal decisions, being accountable, working in teams and teaching others (Burton and Ormrod 2011). When I was allocated my own bay, in terms of completing set task on time, the paper work and helping patients with their needs, time seemed to be my enemy. While being in charge I find it difficult to manage and it seemed as if tasks would increase as I was often interrupted by patients who needed assistant. However, having experience this, I realized the ability to manage my time effectively is very important. By using certain aspect of time management such as planning and prioritizing, caring out clients care occurs more efficiently. In terms of becoming a qualified staff nurse and having experience being in charge, being able to manage my time effectively will significantly help in terms of my role transition and ensuring that effective patient care will be carried out. Although my time management skill is not on par with those of an experience qualified nurse, I can improve. Reflection is a way of making sense of events, situations and actions that occurs. It enables an in-depth look at oneself, the patients and the care being provided. By using Gibbs (1998) model of reflection of description of event, identifying your feelings, evaluation the experience, analyze the experience, draw a conclusion with alternative actions and make and action plan for the further (Oelofsen  2012). On reflecting on how I have manage my time so far, I will be able to identify areas I need to further develop with an action plan/goals to work towards.. During an episode of my care management, the ward was under staff. As my mentor was a sister she was in charge and often out of my bay and I was alone. During that time managing my patients was difficult as a lot of tasks needed to be complete, such as bed baths, bed change, patient feeding, observations, patient assistant in transferring, daily wound dressing and paper work such as fluid and food charts. Instead of prioritizing, it was more of multitasking with no objective. This made managing my patients more difficult as what needed to done was not being done. It was made more difficult due to interruptions from patients, such as wanting a commode or bed pan. I was feeling overwhelmed, panic and stressed. I wasnt thinking about prioritizing or planning. I was just doing the tasks as I know them, when I get them and moving on as I finish. I kept on thinking of that there was so much to do; all I was focus on was the amount of tasks needed to be done. What was bad about this experience was the feelings of being overwhelm. What was good about this experience was even through I was going about thing in a round-about way. I was able to complete the majority of task that was needed to complete including those which were important. Looking at this situation my lack of planning and prioritizing my task let me down. Although multitasking is important in time management, however it is essential to recognize top priorities to ensure high quality nursing care for the patient under your care (Lipe Beasley 2004). To prioritize is to designate or treat (something) as being very or most important and to determine the order for dealing with (a series of items or tasks) according to their relative importance (Oxford Dictionaries 2012). There are strategies that allows for effective prioritizing. Sellman and Snelling (2010) suggest first categorizing tasks into two dimensions: their urgency and importance. If the task is urgent and important, do it. On the other hand if it is urgent but not important, delegate it. For those tasks that are not urgent but important, plan it. Lastly, if the task is both not urgent and not important, leave it. By using as strategies as this daily, one can improve on their time management. What I should have done was stop for few minutes, think, plan, prioritize and then do. What I have learnt, is not to look at the amount of task needed to be done. However, look at the important task first, complete them and this will allow for more time, with less urgency to complete the other tasks. If this situation was to arise again, I will not make the amount of tasks needed to be complete panic me or overwhelm me. I will make a list and prioritize each care/task. Another example of my inefficient time management was during a drug round one morning. It was time to prepare a drug trolley and I was unsure of what medication my patients were on. I told my mentor and was about to go check their drug charts. My mentor advised me to just get different type of analgesia, laxatives and that the rest will be in their drug pod. However, during the drug round, I kept on going back and forth to the drug cupboard. The time used was more than what was allocated. I kept on think this was taking too long, that it was getting very late to still be doing a drug round. I felt somewhat useless, each time I went back I felt slightly depressed. The longer it took the more a felt agitated and stressed. What was bad about this experience was what I was feeling. I also didnt stop to think of a solution. However, what was good was although I was agitated and stressed, I didnt make any mistakes and followed the five rights in drug administration. Looking at this situation/experience, if I had taken some time and had planned ahead it would have turned out differently. Planning is defined as the process of deciding in detail how to do something before actually starting to do it (Collins Dictionary 2012). Strategies for effective planning! Fore casting Firstly, during bed side handover, as I didnt know the patients I should have checked the drug chart then. I could also have negotiated with my mentor and asked to check the patients drug chart as I dont know them well enough. After the first or second trip back to the drug cupboard I could have just inform her I was just going to check the other drug charts to prevent me from return trips. I have learnt that also advice can be good, I must trust myself and do what I feel will make me more comfortable. If this was too happened again, would first make myself relax, stop and check the drug charts to prevent return trips. As indicated below, I have developed a personal development plan in the form of a table, to enable me to develop in the areas of planning and prioritizing, to ultimately improve my skills in time management: Objective / Developing needs What is hindering my progress? Action plan to achieve objective Review of progress / How and when To manage my time effectively by prioritizing task appropriately Taking on too much task Not delegating enough Under staff Multitasking without prioritizing Interruption with new tasks Compile a to do list Think what is urgent and important task Think what can be delegated and what can wait Weekly discussion with mentor Reflective diary for each day using Gibbs model Reflect on how much I have check off on my list each day review to do list I and see how much I was able to complete each day ask for feedback from mentor and other staff member To manage my time effectively by planning ahead Advice is good, however trust your self Not firm in saying your reasons Working with not enough information During hand over, write tasks next to patient name while circling those which are high priority. During bed side handover check patient drug chart and other care chart to get awareness. Check off what was completed to not confused my self Roughly, estimate time for each task While planning set aside time to concentrated on difficult task In conclusion care management is an important aspect in the education of student nurses. The skills involved in care management such as time management is important in the transition following being qualified. Time management is an important skill to delivering efficient patient care in the amount of time you have. Having the experience and developing my time management skill, I feel more confident and more prepared for the upcoming transition I will face. During my episode of care management, having to manage my time effectively, it has also increase my awareness of what will be expected in becoming a qualified staff nurses and the consequence of not being able to complete my tasks will have on my team. It has also made me realize the necessity of constant reflection on my skills and knowledge. Through reflection I have recognize my weakness and have built action plans to which I will work to achieve.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Ivory Artifacts of The Israelietes Essay -- Archeology

Imagine in your minds eye you are back in time during age of Israelites. Now imagine yourself walking the halls of palace. As you walk you see what seems to be a small fortune of art decorating the halls. You eventually stop walk and you find yourself in the throne room and right before you see a chair but, not just not any chair the most elegant chair you have ever see with your own two eyes. This chair glistens with jewels and some sort of white material you are not familiar with. The white material seems almost alien in nature and yet it is beautiful and makes the thrones seem as if from another world. That white on that throne would be ivory. Ivory items are peculiar items when one thinks about them for long enough. One starts to think what are they, where did they come from, how where they made and who made them, what were they were used for, what is their meaning, and what do the motifs on them stand for. To be honest there is no one answer for each of these questions but, ther e are several good theories out there. But I am not going to talk about all ivories that have ever existed I am going talk to you the reader about Israelite Ivories that existed during the late bronze age to the late Iron age. To begin to answer the questions I have purposed and kind of made you think of I will start by answering the most basic of them all. What are Ivory artifacts? Ivory artifacts are any item made of the tusks of elephants, teeth of hippos, or the tusks of walruses. But today I am only discussing the early Israelites and their ivories. Their ivories mostly consisted of elephant tusks. The reason that we can assume that the tusks of elephant were used for art and not the ivory of other spices such as hippos is that it is stated in ... ...e Pritchard, J.B (1962) Ivory. The Interpreter’s Dictionary of the Bible (Vol. 2 pp. 773-775) New York City, New York: Abingo press Ivory. (1946 & 1952). Hastings, James and Rowley H. H. Dictionary of the Bible (pp450), New York City, New York: Charles Scrubner’s Sons. Suter, C. (2005). Crafts and images in contact. Fruibourg : Academic Pess Fribourg.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Market Analysis of Automobile Industry in India 2013 Essay

1. Introduction Automobile industry is the key driver of any growing economy. Due to its deep forward and backward relation with almost every segment of the economy, the industry has a string and positive multiplier effect and thus propels progress of a nation. With the falling demands for vehicles in most of the mature markets due to the global recession, high fuel costs and urban driving restrictions, the industry is focusing its attention on expanding middle classes in the new powerhouses of China, India, Brazil, and other growing nations. India’s per capita real GDP growth at 8.6% (CAGR) over the six year period 2005-2011 had contributed substantially towards raising the standard of living of households, which in turn had been one of the key drivers of growth for the country’s automobile industry. But over 2011-12 and 2012-13, inflationary conditions, firm interest rates, rising petrol prices as well as weak monsoons adversely impacted disposable incomes causing a consumption squee ze. [1] According to the global automotive executive survey 2013 done by KPMG, 86% of the respondents feel market growth in emerging nations is an important trend- a view shared by auto executives from both the TRIAD market(Japan, Western Europe and North America) and the BRICs. The developing markets along with e-mobility and the changing urban environment had brought about a change in the automobile industry. 56% of the respondents in the BRICs feel innovative urban vehicle design concepts are an important trend compared to 55% from the TRIADs. The Indian automobile market is one of the competitive markets with low costs, which make it an attractive assemble base for foreign automobile manufacturers. India is also the second fastest growing automobile market in the world after China.[2] 2. Market Segmentation The automobile industry has been broadly divided into the two wheelers, passenger vehicles, commercial vehicles and three wheelers. The various sub divisions of each segment is shown in the following figure 2.1. Figure 2.1. Market Segmentation of Automobile Industry Source Source Figure 2.1. Market Segmentation of Automobile Industry Source Source The two wheelers dominate the production volumes in FY 2012, which contributed for more than three quarters of the total automobiles production in the country. India is the world’s 2nd largest two wheeler producer and the 4th largest commercial vehicle producer. Figure 2.2. Market share by volume (FY12) Source 2. Passenger Vehicle Segments The segments in the passenger vehicle industry are done based on the price, utility and the length of each vehicle. There are different parameters based on which the cars available in the Indian market are categorized. The technically defining parameters are based on the length of the car, engine capacity, features offered, seating capacity and structure of the car etc. SIAM or Society of Indian Automobile Manufacturers divides the Indian passenger vehicles in the segments A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, A6, B1, B2 and SUV. The classification is done solely based on the length of the automobiles. The details of the segments are mentioned as in table 2.1. Car Segment| Length of the car/Model type| Car model belonging to the segment| A1| Up to 3400mm| Nano| A2| 3401 to 4000mm| Alto, i10, Zen, Wagon R| A3| 4001 to 4500mm| Manza, Logan, Dzire, City| A4| 4501 to 4700mm| Corolla, Octavia, Optra| A5| 4701 to 5000mm| Accord, Camry, Sonata| A6| More than 5000 mm| Mercedes S class| B1| Vans| Versa, Omni| B2| MUV/MPV| Sumo, Innova| SUV| SUV| Vitara, CRV| Table 2.1. Passenger car segmentation based on length However, though it is simple and easy to divide the passenger cars based on their length, it is not at all practical. The price of a car isn’t determined by length only. A shorter car might be priced higher than a lengthier model. Also the features and configuration of the car models doesn’t depend on the car length. Hence, to avoid all the confusions the Indian passenger cars are popularly divided into the below mentioned segments according to the following properties, as in table 2.2. Car Segment| Distinguishing feature of the cars in this segment| Car model belonging to the segment| A| Cars priced below Rs. 3.5 Lakh| Alto, Spark, Nano, Eon| A1| Hatchback priced lower than Rs. 6 Lakh| Santro, Indica, Beat| A2| Hatchback priced between Rs. 6 to 7.5 Lakh| Ritz, i10, i20, Swift, Figo| B1| Vans| Versa, Omni| B2| MUV/MPV| Sumo, Innova| C1| Sedan models priced below Rs. 8 Lakh| Indigo, Fiesta, Sunny| C2| Sedan models priced between Rs. 8 to 9.5 Lakh| Verna, Manza, Linea| D1| Premium Sedan models priced below Rs. 15 Lakh| Fluence, Corolla| D2| Luxury Sedan models priced below Rs. 25 Lakh| Sonata, Camry, Kizashi| SUV| SUV| Vitara, CRV| Table 2.2. Passenger car segmentation based on price Body type is the other most popular factor for classification of passenger vehicles. This segmentation process is not only limited to the Indian sub-continent, this is a common method that enjoys popularity throughout the world. The segments we suggest according to the car body types and the pricing are mentioned as in table 2.4. Range| Pricing| Entry| Below 5 lakhs| Economy| 5-15 lakhs| Premium| 15-30 lakhs| Luxury| 30-60 lakhs| Super Luxury| 60 lakhs and above| Table 2.3. Segment pricing Car segment| Range| Cars in Indian market| Hatchback| A1| Entry| Maruti Alto 800, Nano, Hyundai Eon, Maruti WagonR| | A2| Economy| Hyundai i20, Maruti Swift, Fiat Punto, Volkswagen Polo| | A3| Premium| BMW MiniCooper, Fiat 500, Volkswagen Beetle| | A4| Luxury| N.A.| | A5| Super Luxury| | MUV/MPV| B1| Entry| Maruti Eeco| | B2| Economy| Maruti Ertiga, Toyota Innova, | | B3| Premium| Mercedes Benz A-class, B-class| | B4| Luxury| N.A.| | B5| Super Luxury| | SUV/Crossover| C1| Entry| Mahindra Thar| | C2| Economy| Ford Ecosport, Renault Duster, Force One| | C3| Premium| Skoda Yeti, Mitsubishi Pajero, Toyota Fortuner, Maruti Grand Vitara| | C4| Luxury| BMW X1, Audi Q3, Landrover Freelander 2| | C5| Super Luxury| Audi Q7, BMW X6, Volkswagen Tourareg| Sedan| D1| Entry| HM Ambassador| | D2| Economy| Maruti Dezire, Nissan Sunny, Toyota Ethios| | D3| Premium| Maruti Kizashi, Skoda Superb, Hyundai Sonata| | D4| Luxury| Volvo S60, Audi A4, BMW 3 series, Audi S4| | D5| Super Luxury| Mercedes Benz S class, Audi S6, Audi A7, Jaguar XJ| Van| E1| Entry| Maruti Omni, Tata Venture| | E2| Economy| Tata Winger, Tata Winger Platinum| | E3| Premium| N.A.| | E4| Luxury| | | E5| Super Luxury| | Table 2.4. Passenger car segments 3. Market Analysis The various aspects involved in the automobile industry, namely the market size, market trends, penetration rate, growth rate, etc. are analyzed in this chapter. The distribution channel involved for the passenger vehicle segment is also discussed here. 3.1. Market Size In the passenger vehicle segment, there has been an increase in sales by 1.20% in the FY 2012-13 compared to that of FY 2011-12 with figures of 20,626,227 units of production of passenger vehicles, as shown in figure 3.1. The cumulative average growth rate (CAGR) for the period from 2008-12 was 14% compared to the estimated CAGR for the period from 20013-21 which is 13%. 3.2. Market Trends One of the major player in the world automotive industry is Indian car market. It is the second in automobile industry after China. Indian car industry is facing a serious problem is present year. Car sales are down by more than 6% in FY 2012-13 compare to last year of FY 2011-12. The main reasons are high interest rates, fuel price, high inflation, low movement in other sectors etc. But irrespective of the sales slump, Utility vehicle segment is having the maximum growth in this segment at 52%. Ertiga has put successful foot print this segment. This vehicle is giving good competition to Innova. SUV segment also grown due to its fuel economy and price combination became top choice for larger families. Kerala now accounts for 10 per cent of India’s luxury car sales. Kochi in particular has emerged as India’s strongest growing market for luxury car brands like BMW, Audi, Mercedes and Jaguar Land Rover. Another major trend in the automobile industry is the age of the potential customers are decreasing with the role of IT and other industries. 3.3.Market Growth rate The growth in passenger vehicle segment is at 2.15% for the FY 2012-13 compared to that of FY 2011-12. Cars have a negative growth of -6.69% when compared to that of utility vehicles which has an increase by 52.20% and vans with a minor growth of 1.08%. Figure 3.3. Passenger Vehicle segment growth rate for FY 2012-13 Source 3.4. Market Penetration India has shown a great potential in passenger vehicle segments with penetration rate of 13 vehicles per 1000 population compared to the other BRIC countries making it the most attractive market for the industry presently. Figure 3.4. Market penetration for BRIC countries FY2010 per 1000 population Source Worldbank Figure 3.4. Market penetration for BRIC countries FY2010 per 1000 population Source Worldbank 3.5. Market Opportunities Car sales in India may be on a downside at the present but the total automobile market size will triple to 9.3 million units by 2020, according to global marketing information services company JD power. Driven by enhanced demand as the number of people with disposable income increases, the sector will grow at a compounded annual growth rate of 16% during the period as per the market research firm. They forecast India to have a consistent and gradual growth such that the automobile market will triple from the present size of about 9.3 million units. 3.6. Competition Intensity 3.7. Pricing Structure 3.8 Market Profitability 4. Distribution Channels * Company has 246 local suppliers and 20 global ones – they all function in a seamless manner. The company strictly receives their supplies ordered the previous night in a two hour slot the next day. A far cry from the initial 30 day supply period. * The company had adopted Just In Time (JIT) to achieve higher operational efficiencies and reduce inventory carrying cost. Maruti Suzuki has adopted the e-Nagare system of electronic flow which has completely transformed its supplier chain. * To achieve JIT material supplies, the company has given preference to locally based suppliers. Over 76% of the company’s 246 suppliers are located within 100 kms of radius. They have strategically located the suppliers of bulky components such as instrument panels, fuel tanks, bumpers, seats, etc. adjacent to the company’s manufacturing facilities in the Suppliers’ Park. * In order to enter new markets, Maruti Suzuki has ventured into contract manufacturing. For example vehicles manufactured in India are sold under the Nissan brand in European market. * Using a combination of Unix Shell programming, Oracle forms, .Net, and Windows FTP technology, the internal team brought transparency to the export supply chain. * Maruti Suzuki has 933 dealerships across 666 towns and cities in India. It has 2,946 service stations in 1,395 towns and cities throughout India. It has 30 Express service stations on 30 National Highways. 5. Competition Maruti Suzuki is India’s largest OEM of passenger cars, netting about 55% of domestic sales. The biggest competitor for Maruti is Hyndai Motors. Quality Product/service| 0 50 100 Maruti / Hyundai| Reputation in eyes of customers| 0 40 50 100 Hyundai Maruti | Prices| 0 40 50 100 Maruti Hyundai | New productslaunch/development| 0 50 100 Maruti / Hyundai| Table 5.1 5.1. Success factors of Hyundai * Refreshing the brand image is one of the key success factor of Hyundai. In the last decade, Hyundai Motor has made significant inroads in building its brand from the â€Å"Worst Car Ever Made† to a 72nd ranking in the 2007 Best Global Brand survey. * Efforts were made from Hyundai in this aspect and as a result, Hyundai Motor has been recognized as a producer of quality cars which are reliable and affordable * Stylish design of the products and tagline â€Å" new thinking new possibilities† made the company to collaborate with its branding. * Global presence for Hyundai is high when compared to Maruti. 5.2. Competitors for Maruti Hyundai, Toyota, Honda and Chevrolet are the main competitors for Maruti, with Hyundai and Chevrolet the main competitors in small car segment and Toyota and Honda joining in the race recently with the launch of Ethios and Brios respectively. 5.3. New competitors * Honda is coming up with new cars which are targeting the same group of Maruti products Ex: Amaze, Dzire * Hyundai is coming up with Grand i10 as a competition for Swift. * Other car makers like Nissan, M&M are also releasing products in hatchback car segment rigorously which has to be faced by Maruti. 6. Reference 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10) 11) 12) 13)

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

House Music essays

House Music essays The origins of House music trace back to the 1980s, following a trail that reaches the Atlantic ocean, the Mediterranean dance floors of Ibiza, finds its way into the backdoors of New Yorks recording studios, and includes V.I.P. passes to the clubs of Chicago and London. House is now considered by many the form of modern dance music. House musics earliest roots are found in the musical hotspots of Chicago around 1985. One particular New York DJ, Frankie Knuckles, had a regular show at a club called The Warehouse. Knuckles would play with soul and disco tunes by using a drum machine-generating a 4/4 beat on top of them ( The clubbers loved this new sound and house music, named for the club, was born. More DJs took to the tables and the studios, and soon there was an abundance of new house tracks penetrating both the clubs and airwaves of Chicago. The new sound found its way to the East Coast, where DJs in Philadelphia and New York spun their own interpretations of classic dance tunes with a house beat on top. However, the biggest fans of the Chicago sound were not in the U.S. at all (Interview Brandon Klitz: 2002). Simultaneously, pirate radio in Britain took to the Chicago sounds. Incidentally, at the time pirate stations were the only ones playing black music of any kind in the U.K. Before long, house was the new soundtrack of the underground clubs of London. The first house tune to break the underground ceiling was Farley Jackmaster Funks cover of Isaac Hayes Love Cant Turn Around, which reached the national charts in September 1986 ( The UK couldnt seem to get enough of this new type of music. Soon, commercial success showcased several of the early artists. Steve Silk Hurley was the first to reach the ultimate goal, the UK No.1, with Jack Your Body in January 1987. This success p...

Monday, October 21, 2019

Mariner 4 - Mission to Mars - Brief History of Mariner 4 Mission to Mars

Mariner 4 - Mission to Mars - Brief History of Mariner 4 Mission to Mars Mars is in the news a lot these days. Movies about exploration of the planet are popular, and several space agencies around the world are planning human missions in the next decades. Yet, there was a time not so long ago in human history when NO mission had been to the Red Planet. That was in the early 1960s, when the Space Age was picking up momentujm. Since then, scientists have been exploring the planet Mars with robotic spacecraft: mappers, landers, rovers, and orbiters  such as Mars Curiousity, as well as the Hubble Space Telescope, which observes Mars from orbit around Earth.  But, there had to be a first successful mission to get this all started. Mars excitement began when Mariner 4 arrived at the Red Planet on July 15, 1965. It got as close as 9,846 km (6,118 miles) from the surface and returned the first good images of the cratered, dusty terrain. It was not the first mission launched to Mars, but it was the first successful one.   What Did Mariner 4 Show Us? The Mariner 4 mission, which was the fourth in a series of planetary exploration missions, revealed the cratered, rust-colored surface of the planet. Astronomers knew Mars was red from years of ground-based observations. However, they were amazed at the color seen in the spacecrafts images. Even more surprising were pictures that showed regions showing evidence that liquid water had once etched its way across the surface. Yet, there was NO evidence of liquid water anywhere to be found.   In addition to various field and particle sensors and detectors, the Mariner 4 spacecraft had a television camera, which took 22 television pictures covering about 1% of the planet. Initially stored on a 4-track tape recorder, these pictures took four days to transmit to Earth. Once past Mars, Mariner 4 orbited the Sun prior to returning to the vicinity of Earth in 1967. Engineers then decided to use the aging craft for a series of operational and telemetry tests to improve their knowledge of the technologies that would be needed for future interplanetary spacecraft. All in all, the mission was a great success. Not only did it serve as a proof of concept for successful planetary exploration missions, but its 22 images also revealed Mars for what it really is: a dry, cold, dusty and apparently lifeless world.   Mariner 4 Was Designed For Planetary Exploration NASA built the Mariner 4 mission to Mars to  be tough enough to get to the planet and then study it with a set of instruments during its quick flyby. Then, it had to survive the trip back around the Sun and supply more data as it flew. Mariner 4s  instruments and cameras had the following tasks: study interplanetary fields and particles, including the magnetic field of Mars, cosmic dust, cosmic rays, and the solar wind;take close-up images of Mars in hopes of discovering the geologic and atmospheric processes at work on the planet over the eons;provide experience in operating long-term interplanetary missions.   The spacecraft was powered by solar cells that provided about 300 watts of power for the ships instruments and television camera. Nitrogen gas tanks supplied fuel for attitude control during flight and maneuvers. Sun and star trackers helped the spacecraft navigation systems. Since most stars were too dim, the trackers focused on the star Canopus.   Launch and Beyond Mariner 4 rode to space aboard an Agena D rocket, launched from Cape Canaveral Air Force Station launch complex in Florida. Liftoff was flawless and a few minutes later, the thrusters fired to put the spacecraft into a parking orbit high above Earth. Then, about an hour later, a second burn sent the mission on its way to Mars.   After Mariner 4 was well under way to Mars, an experiment was approved to study the effect of transmitting the spacecrafts radio signal through the Martian atmosphere just before the spacecraft disappeared behind the planet. This experiment was designed to probe the thin blanket of air surrounding Mars. That task threw mission planners a real challenge: they had to reprogram the spacecrafts computer from Earth. That had never before been done, but it worked perfectly. In fact, it worked so well that mission controllers have used it many times with other spacecraft in the years since then.   Mariner 4 Stats The mission was launched on November 28, 1964. It arrived at Mars on July 15, 1965 and performed all its mission activities well. Controllers lost communication with the mission from October 1, 1965 to 1967.  Then contact was restored for a few months before it was lost again, for good. Throughout its entire mission, Mariner 4 returned more than 5.2 million bits of data, including imaging, engineering and other data.   Want to know more about Mars exploration? Check out Eight Great Mars Books, and also keep an eye out for television specials about the Red Planet. Its a sure bet that there will be an increasing amount of press as humanity gets ready to send people to Mars.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Teenage Pregnancy essays

Teenage Pregnancy essays Although the rate of teenage pregnancy in the United States has declined greatly within the past few years, it is still an enormous problem that needs to be addressed. These rates are still higher in the 1990's than they were only a decade ago. The United State's teenage birthrate exceeds that of most other industrialized nations, even though American teenagers are no more sexually active than teenagers are in Canada or Europe. Recent statistics concerning the teen birthrates are alarming. About 560,000 teenage girls give birth each year. Almost one-sixth of all births in the United States are to teenage women are to teenage women. Eight in ten of these births resulted from unintended pregnancies. (Gormly 347) By the age of eighteen, one out of four teenage girls will have become pregnant. (Newman 679) Although the onset of pregnancy may occur in any teenager, some teens are at higher risk for unplanned pregnancy than others. Teenagers who become sexually active at an earlier age are at a greater risk primarily because young teenagers are less likely to use birthcontrol. African-American and Hispanic teenagers are twice as likely to give birth as are white teenagers. Whites are more likely to have abortions. Teenagers who come from poor neighborhoods and attend segregated schools are at a high risk for pregnancy. Also, teenagers who are doing poorly in school and have few plans for the future are more likely to become parents than those who are doing well and have high educationsl and occupational expectations. Although the rate of teenage pregnancy is higher among low- income African-Americans and Hispanics, especially those in inner city ghettoes, the number of births to teenagers is highest among white, nonpoor young women who live in small cities and towns. (Calhoun 309) In addition to the question of which teenagers become pregnant, interest is s...

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Online marketing proposal Research Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Online marketing - Research Proposal Example Groupon operates in more than 500 marketplaces and in over 48 nations (Roberts, 2013). This paper is based on the online marketing proposal of Groupon and the marketing activities of other players in the industry. It will also encompass the discussion of implementing different strategies proposed and how it will help the company to further improve its business. Groupon operates in online deals industry, where subscribers can browse through hundreds of deals and discounted offers across thousands of products and service categories. The company operates as an E-commerce firm, but its business partners who offer the deals are from a wide range of industries. The company acts as a business broker that helps other business houses and respective customers to come together under a common roof and conduct their business activities. The online deals industry runs on the commissions gained from the merchants whose business is highlighted in the website of Groupon and other similar sites (Rueter, 2012). This business model is relatively a new one and is currently at its growth stage. This as a result increases the future prospects of this sector. Moreover, over the recent years, the rise of popularity of online shopping has resulted in the expansion of E-commerce at a global perspective. This as a result has attracted the customers to look out for be st deals online and at the same time, it has also allowed them to get acquainted with new products and services. The rise of online shopping and use of internet has helped companies like Groupon to increase its customers base by reaching out to a wider audience by utilizing the high popularity of online search for discounts. Since companies like Groupon are largely dependent on the online presence, so the technological availability of a nation largely dictates the success of the E-commerce companies (Internet World Stats, 2015). The countries with the highest internet usage and popularity are most likely to

Friday, October 18, 2019

Chinatown and Leicester Square in Light of Ethnographic Analysis Essay

Chinatown and Leicester Square in Light of Ethnographic Analysis - Essay Example Over time, the larger part of the Chinese minority in London came to be concentrated in the Limehouse district, in an area known as Chinatown these days. Swarming with gambling dens and opium dens, it used to be perceived as a place with high rates of crime, violence and haplessness by the majority of London inhabitants at the time. Nevertheless there is no doubt it did promote economic prosperity. Leicester Square derives its name from Robert Sidney, second Earl of Leicester, born in 1595, who acquired land in the area for his housing development project in 1630 and 1648. In its early times the area was a residential place for prominent foreigners such as artists and craftsmen and also ambassadors and royalty. The 19th century saw the boom of cafes, entertainment and clubs. To all this, cinema was added early on in the 20th century, competing against and eventually gaining prevalence over other forms of entertainment. The movie sector remains strongly tied-up with the place up to this day. (Sheppard, 1966). In 2002, the City Council adopted the Leicester Square Action Plan, following widespread public consultation (Westminster City Council, 2009). Present condition It is interesting to note that while the Chinese community is open to all influences of the country they are living in, yet they do not appear to lose the distinct characteristics of their own culture. Distinctive marks of that culture are felt in architecture, design, behaviour and in nearly ever every item of daily usage. In 2005 the property development agency Rosewheel ran by Richard Bowen announced plans to redevelop the western portion of Chinatown to make it still more suitable for tourism and for leisure activities, such as dining out. As part of the plan, roads are to be pedestrianized and shop fronts extended into the roads so as to transform the place into something new, thus bringing another kind of businesses into the picture. As is apparent from their reactions, the present property owners and tenants in the area feel strongly opposed to the prospected changes, as some of them would get evicted, while others fear the expected rise of rent in the area. Approximately 20 local businesses are going to close and 200 people lose their jobs in the process. That is why the Chinese community took defensive action, citing community figurehead Jabez Lam on their website, who says he believes that "Rosewheel is determined to put hundreds of shopkeepers and employees out of work. [The redevelopment] w ill break up the social fabric of those working, living and visiting the area." (DimSum, 2009). Chinatown derives substantial benefits from the grey economy, as evidenced by Paul Kingsnorth in his Guardian article: "Jabez wants to show me something. He walks me around the corner to Gerrard Street, where he points to a dingy staircase. To one side is a red plaque with gold Chinese lettering on it. 'This used to be a brothel,' he says with a slight smile. 'Now

Creating Web Presence Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Creating Web Presence - Case Study Example Although Wordpress is primarily considered as an authoring platform (Shamah), it has effectively exceeded this reputation and has extended the locus of its influence beyond blogs. Since its inception, Wordpress has continuously added to its arsenal of extremely useful tools and features. Wordpress allows integration of advanced features such as using shopping carts, mailing lists, and integration with social networking websites which helps generate and maintain traffic on a blog, which is essentially its lifeline. Another important factor that tipped the decision scale in Wordpress’ favor was the availability of widgets and plugins. Wordpress allows users to upload information in a very easy, simple and elegant way (Shamah). In a nutshell, these capabilities have allowed Wordpress to become a content management system. Another reason why Wordpress was preferable to other platforms is its multilingual capability as it is available in all the major and minor world languages including some of the archaic ones as well. However, the crucial factor that helped finalize Wordpress as the platform for my Web Presence was the fact that Wordpress is free and easy to set up. Wordpress software is readily available online and can be downloaded for installation on web host of our choice and this allowed me to finalize Wordpress as the platform of my choosing. The process of creation began with signing up for Wordpress and a URL was selected. Blogs on Wordpress rely heavily on themes and pre-designed Hemingway theme was chosen. As required by assignment instructions, five pages were created namely Home, About Me, Pizza Hut, Making a Pizza and Exegesis. The theme was customized slightly to include a picture of my choice and to give the blog a Title.  Ã‚  

Toyota's Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Toyota's Economy - Essay Example Most of the banking institutions have closed or merged their operations with the existing other institution in order to facilitate uninterrupted service to their customers. The financial institutions were not the only ones affected by the crisis, as other manufacturing and service sector companies like General Motors, Satyam Computers and so on were also affected. The recession has done bad things, but also good things to bring out some of the malpractices to the light of the stakeholders and government taking place within the organization of the company that resulted in bankruptcy. Additionally, there are companies that faced the past and present crises and are still going strong. This paper intends to study the impact of the crisis on Toyota’s economy, while assessing its strategies for future development. Growth of Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor was the second step taken by its founder Sakichi Toyoda, when he first started the Toyoda Automatic Loom Company, which was supported by the Japanese Government due to its military application. In December 1945, Toyoda was permitted to start up a peacetime production by the U.S. military and by 1947 made the SA Model, called ‘Toyopet’. ... Apart form manufacturing, Toyota was involved in many mergers and acquisitions which included the acquisition of Hino, Daihatsu and Denso, which were once Toyota’s electrical component that broke up after WWII (Toyota History, 2009). Presently, the current investment of Toyota Motors stands at 1.9 bn, with 6,850 employees. As per the 2007 FY Report, consolidated net sales valued at 1,651.2 bn yens, current income at -0.5 bn yens and net income -1.0 bn yens (Economic Report). However, the financial crisis has a definite impact on the development of Toyota in certain parts of the world. Effects of Financial Crisis Toyota suffered its worst slowdown since its inception in the year 1937, reduced the production, and cut back on investments to combat falling sales and increasing yen. It is reported that Toyota Motors will be incurring a loss of around 1.2 billion euros ( The recent financial crisis had a drastic effect on the business of Toyota Motor Corporation. According t o the Economic Report in FY 2008, despite the increase of net sales, the company incurred huge operating losses, which resulted in the value of assets and shareholder equity. Mreg Marco (2008) reports that Toyota experienced a downslide of 32% in U. S. sales alone. Moreover, experts warned more doom and gloom in the coming years despite frantic measures being taken by the government to stem the tide of bad data (AFP, 2009). These financial losses and net decrease in sales has resulted in DBRS downgrading the long-term ratings of Toyota and its subsidiaries from AAA to AA. DBRS also reported that recent fiscal reports were far below the expectations with total revenues dropping to 20.5 trillion yen, a decline of 22% and an operation loss of 461 billion yen, despite cost cutting

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Organisational behaviour Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words - 2

Organisational behaviour - Essay Example The major purpose of this essay is to highlight the importance of social psychology with reference to organizational behaviour. The organizational behaviour is concerned with the evaluating the impact of individuals and structure on organizational performance whereas organizational social psychology states that relaxed work environment and strengthening social relations among employees and management are going to further enhance the organizational performance in all regards(Heine, Lehman, Markus, & Kitayama, 1999). In the most practical sense an organization is basically a social entity because employees and management work through different social phenomena in order to accomplish organizational goals. According to recent studies organizational development and progress occur in real sense when a sense of family and belonging significantly prevails amongst the ranks of a particular organization. This essay will also highlight application of various facets of social psychology at Vodaf one that include advanced training of top management in counselling techniques, power to initiate innovative projects, cross cultural teamwork and reward for performance system. Finally Vodafone is used to hire tolerant and flexible individuals in order to apply melting pot technique for managing cultural and gender diversity in employees (Eisenberger, Stinglhamber, Vandenberghe, Sucharski, & Rhoades, 2002). The operational concepts of organizational social psychology are decentralized authority, participative management and flexible timing and they mainly spread from Japanese organizations to those that are operating in other regions of the world (Heine, Lehman, Markus, & Kitayama, 1999). Furthermore it is imperative to note that Australian continent is the second most efficient geographical region in terms of adopting modern management concepts. However the American companies are rather slow regarding implementing the contemporary managerial concepts of the 21st century. But the b asic purpose of this part is to evaluate the involvement of social psychological concepts and practices in a management framework for Vodafone’s unit of New Zealand. Additionally, the application of modern management is relatively easy in the featured culture due to its individualistic and professional nature. The fundamental reason for development and increased application of social psychology in organizations is the need to retain employees for longer periods of time while enhancing their organizational commitment (Eisenberger, Stinglhamber, Vandenberghe, Sucharski, & Rhoades, 2002). The social psychology stated that humans have a psychological need of receiving a reward after every six to twelve months and if companies fail to do so then they risk job turnover from core employees (Chryssochoou, 2004). Mutual respect and trust among employees and management is also a vital factor in predicting productivity of the staff. Nevertheless, according to recent research employees l ike to be governed by those individuals who have similar personality dimensions. Employees on the other hand spend more time in organizations that offer them reward for performance, paid and emergency leave and divert resources towards employee training and development (Crisp &Tumer, 2007). The nature of the job should also be sufficiently challenging in order to keep things interesting for the

Erich Korngold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Erich Korngold - Essay Example Carroll calls him "a remarkable child prodigy composer" and supports this with a quote by Strauss. On the other hand, Palmer does not go overboard with words and maintains balanced critique; he writes of Korngold as continuing "to compose prolifically, and with great success," throughout his teens, and later remarks that his works like Die Kathrin received "less critical acclaim and failed to gain a foothold in the repertory." Thus Palmer's article is quite succinct in praise. While Palmer ends his article with a comment on Korngold's strong points and deficiencies, Carroll end the article on a highly charged note of positive praise, raising Korngold's stature to a "once forgotten classic composer" now regaining his popularity posthumously. An interesting revelation in comparison is that Palmer seems to have almost paraphrased Carroll's words; "and have ensured the renewed and growing interest"as in Carroll's own words it appears as "after decades of neglect, a gradual reawakening of interest.increasingly popular." Now turning to the third article appeared in New Grove's Dictionary of music and musician Carroll seems to have re-written most of the parts of this article from his earlier version. Added to that, he seems to have bettered his chronological references to the works and achievements of Korngold. Also, Carroll's assessment of Korngold's compositions for Hollywood is rather detailed in technicalities. One would strongly fee... Added to that, he seems to have bettered his chronological references to the works and achievements of Korngold. Also, Carroll's assessment of Korngold's compositions for Hollywood is rather detailed in technicalities. As is obvious in Carroll's earlier articles on Korngold, the critic has high praise for the musician and hails him as a composer of "lush" style and praises his music as having "vibrant sensuousness." One would strongly feel that Carroll's intention is to ensure that Korngold is glorified and added to the cannon of world renowned classical composers, while Palmer restrains from overtures of high-flying praise. Palmer's article is more "academic" in nature as the references are acceptable. Though both critics have categories of similarity, like noting Korngold's landmark achievements and his gradual fame, in Hollywood, Palmer does seem more truthful in his article while Carroll's use of positive and superlative adjectives make him seem as being an international cannonizer lobbying for Korngold's position. Conclusion: Based on the representation by Palmer and Carroll in their articles, it is trustworthy to believe Palmer who has tried to represent Korngold's work in words the way a painter paints a picture of nature, the way he sees it, where as Carroll has tried to add some flavor to his

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Toyota's Economy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Toyota's Economy - Essay Example Most of the banking institutions have closed or merged their operations with the existing other institution in order to facilitate uninterrupted service to their customers. The financial institutions were not the only ones affected by the crisis, as other manufacturing and service sector companies like General Motors, Satyam Computers and so on were also affected. The recession has done bad things, but also good things to bring out some of the malpractices to the light of the stakeholders and government taking place within the organization of the company that resulted in bankruptcy. Additionally, there are companies that faced the past and present crises and are still going strong. This paper intends to study the impact of the crisis on Toyota’s economy, while assessing its strategies for future development. Growth of Toyota Motor Corporation Toyota Motor was the second step taken by its founder Sakichi Toyoda, when he first started the Toyoda Automatic Loom Company, which was supported by the Japanese Government due to its military application. In December 1945, Toyoda was permitted to start up a peacetime production by the U.S. military and by 1947 made the SA Model, called ‘Toyopet’. ... Apart form manufacturing, Toyota was involved in many mergers and acquisitions which included the acquisition of Hino, Daihatsu and Denso, which were once Toyota’s electrical component that broke up after WWII (Toyota History, 2009). Presently, the current investment of Toyota Motors stands at 1.9 bn, with 6,850 employees. As per the 2007 FY Report, consolidated net sales valued at 1,651.2 bn yens, current income at -0.5 bn yens and net income -1.0 bn yens (Economic Report). However, the financial crisis has a definite impact on the development of Toyota in certain parts of the world. Effects of Financial Crisis Toyota suffered its worst slowdown since its inception in the year 1937, reduced the production, and cut back on investments to combat falling sales and increasing yen. It is reported that Toyota Motors will be incurring a loss of around 1.2 billion euros ( The recent financial crisis had a drastic effect on the business of Toyota Motor Corporation. According t o the Economic Report in FY 2008, despite the increase of net sales, the company incurred huge operating losses, which resulted in the value of assets and shareholder equity. Mreg Marco (2008) reports that Toyota experienced a downslide of 32% in U. S. sales alone. Moreover, experts warned more doom and gloom in the coming years despite frantic measures being taken by the government to stem the tide of bad data (AFP, 2009). These financial losses and net decrease in sales has resulted in DBRS downgrading the long-term ratings of Toyota and its subsidiaries from AAA to AA. DBRS also reported that recent fiscal reports were far below the expectations with total revenues dropping to 20.5 trillion yen, a decline of 22% and an operation loss of 461 billion yen, despite cost cutting

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Erich Korngold Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Erich Korngold - Essay Example Carroll calls him "a remarkable child prodigy composer" and supports this with a quote by Strauss. On the other hand, Palmer does not go overboard with words and maintains balanced critique; he writes of Korngold as continuing "to compose prolifically, and with great success," throughout his teens, and later remarks that his works like Die Kathrin received "less critical acclaim and failed to gain a foothold in the repertory." Thus Palmer's article is quite succinct in praise. While Palmer ends his article with a comment on Korngold's strong points and deficiencies, Carroll end the article on a highly charged note of positive praise, raising Korngold's stature to a "once forgotten classic composer" now regaining his popularity posthumously. An interesting revelation in comparison is that Palmer seems to have almost paraphrased Carroll's words; "and have ensured the renewed and growing interest"as in Carroll's own words it appears as "after decades of neglect, a gradual reawakening of interest.increasingly popular." Now turning to the third article appeared in New Grove's Dictionary of music and musician Carroll seems to have re-written most of the parts of this article from his earlier version. Added to that, he seems to have bettered his chronological references to the works and achievements of Korngold. Also, Carroll's assessment of Korngold's compositions for Hollywood is rather detailed in technicalities. One would strongly fee... Added to that, he seems to have bettered his chronological references to the works and achievements of Korngold. Also, Carroll's assessment of Korngold's compositions for Hollywood is rather detailed in technicalities. As is obvious in Carroll's earlier articles on Korngold, the critic has high praise for the musician and hails him as a composer of "lush" style and praises his music as having "vibrant sensuousness." One would strongly feel that Carroll's intention is to ensure that Korngold is glorified and added to the cannon of world renowned classical composers, while Palmer restrains from overtures of high-flying praise. Palmer's article is more "academic" in nature as the references are acceptable. Though both critics have categories of similarity, like noting Korngold's landmark achievements and his gradual fame, in Hollywood, Palmer does seem more truthful in his article while Carroll's use of positive and superlative adjectives make him seem as being an international cannonizer lobbying for Korngold's position. Conclusion: Based on the representation by Palmer and Carroll in their articles, it is trustworthy to believe Palmer who has tried to represent Korngold's work in words the way a painter paints a picture of nature, the way he sees it, where as Carroll has tried to add some flavor to his

Red Bulls current marketing strategies Essay Example for Free

Red Bulls current marketing strategies Essay How should Red Bull market its brand in the future? I think, although Red Bull has been extremely successful in the past, times have changed and the company and products should change with it, otherwise we probably lose market share to the tremendous increased number of competitors in no time.At the height of early mornings and late nights, Red Bull energy drink became the fuel of choice for people from all walks of life. So how is Red Bull marketing its brand to meet the changing needs and budgets of its customers? How will the privately owned Austrian company expand its product line beyond the silver-bullet beverage that gives you wings? My conclusion is that we should focus on what the consumers want, need, and can afford and different marketing techniques. Red Bull founder, Dietrich Mateschitz, introduced his tonic drinks to the Austrian market in 1987. Red Bull got off the ground in no time flat, giving people wings right from the start. It wasnt until ten years later, Red Bull charged into the United States, launching a new category of non-soda energy drinks aimed at burned out high school kids, college students, and overworked individuals. In my opinion Red Bull should focus not only on low cost marketing, but also areas of mass marketing. Red Bull is an energy drink with an amazingly clever marketing strategy, but could use an extra shove in areas. Since its inception, Red Bull has shunned print advertising in its marketing strategy. Red Bull has also chosen to eliminate billboards, banner ads, taxicab holograms, blimps, and Super Bowl spots as a form of advertising. It has not created one web-marketing campaign, and it hasnt nipped or expanded its product line. This could be a good area to begin. Promoting the drink with prints or web-marketing campaigns could add to the many satisfied consumers. Red Bulls website could also use renovations. The website,, does not include an in-depth analysis on ingredients contained in the drink, whereas Dark Dog and Red Devil do. If consumers wanted to learn what was contained in the drink and how they benefit from the product, the information should not only be available, but in abundance. Also, Super Bowl advertising has proved to be very beneficial,  with more viewers than any TV program. Advanced communications technology is creating a generation where many individual can be touched by one visual. However, Red Bull chooses to use advertising that cost little or nothing. Red Bull has also adopted another form of low cost advertising. Red Bull sets its grassroots ethic into motion with a simple, yet masterful marketing force, student brand managers. In Europe, collegiate buzz junkies have been successfully addicting friends and classmates for years thanks to a foolproof branding plan; Red Bull provides the student representatives with free cases of its energy drink and then encourages the kids to throw a party. Red Bull could also use this technique with older individuals in high stress occupations. This will not only spread the word quickly and cheaply, but to more individuals of different ages. This would allow Red Bull to expand its target. In terms of attracting new customers and enhancing consumer loyalty, Red Bull has a more effective branding campaign than Coke or Pepsi, says Nancy F. Koehn, professor of business administration at Harvard Business School and author of Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers Trust from Wedgwood to Dell (Harvard Business School Press, 2001). Red Bull is building a beverage brand without relying on the essential equipment of a mass-marketing campaign. Perhaps the indispensable tools of marketing arent so indispensable after all. With the little advertising Red Bull uses, an extra push in one of these areas could prove very beneficial for the company. Resources: Brand New: How Entrepreneurs Earned Consumers Trust from Wedgwood to Dell (Harvard Business School Press, 2001)

Monday, October 14, 2019

Should Jobs Be Reserved For Women?

Should Jobs Be Reserved For Women? Most of the high level jobs are done by man, should government encourage a certain percentage of these jobs to be reserved for women ? Most of the high level jobs are done by men, I am not totally agree with this idea, because many high level jobs are done by women. There   is no discrimination between man and woman before   the eye of law. I deeply believe high level jobs are done by qualified person. So government should not encourage a certain percentage of high level jobs to be reserved for women. As a human being all are equal so those who have qualification to do high level jobs, they must will do. If government encourage or enact a law or reserve certain percentage that will be unfair and injustice and discrimination for man. High level jobs should be given on the basis of merit and qualification not consider as a man and woman.we do not agree, to make any reservation on the basis of race, age, sex and minority ,but high level job must be done   by only  Ã‚   qualified person. Man and Woman are equal so there should not have any special attention for women. This concept seriously violates human rights. There should not have any discrimination between man and woman. The discrimination never bring peace and stability in a state, so government must not make any special rules for women. As a democratic state, every state has rule of law and human rights, so high level jobs are only done by man, this is not fair and justice. If women have merit and qualification, they must hold high level jobs. To my mind, there is no restriction in law of a state for woman high level jobs. Human right is most important to live in the world with dignity and honour as a best creation of God. So knowledge and knowledge must be standard for high level jobs not on the basis of sex. So only justice and fair can bring the peace and security in a state, man and woman should not be competitor but dependable. Being a best creation of God, we must have sense of responsibility and duty to one another to make a better and peaceful world for the future generation. As a man   I deeply believe and trust, there should not have any unfair between man and woman. only the basis of merit must get high level post not consider anything else. To hold a sensitive post, need only knowledge and management capacity but disqualification must always discourage and deprive from high level post for betterment of nation and showing honour and justice for qualified and knowledgeable persons. Proper management is the most important to hold a high level job, so   one who will be seated in this post must be qualified and knowledgeable. If any person is woman but she is not qualified for the post but given the high level post she absolutely will be fail to hold the post. Motivation is very important requirement to hold a high prestigious job, one who has no this capacity she/he   cannot hold a high level post. So I hope and believe government should not to make any special attention to women for high level post because if they are qualified, no need to make any rule or law in parliament. Leadership is the best qualification to hold the high level jobs. To be a best leader, so easily can deal any critical situation. Those who will hold better post, musth have leadership skilled to perform   properly his/her responsibilities and   duties.This is the age of globalization,so one who want to be leader one,s has to have leadership skilled otherwisewill be   seriously fail to make any decision. Challenging career, there are many job very challenging so women are not able to perform their responsibilities but if any woman get like that post as a leader she will totally fail to lead the team or group. For example a woman is not fit for post of chief of Army, Navy,and Air force,because they are not able to perform their duty properly with care and strictly.So body fitness is very   important to hold like that high level job.So if government impose like that post, it will be harmful for a nation. Professional services are opened for all men and women,because there is no any condition or restriction for women.women can be professor,lawyer,pilot officer,doctor if they have qualification.So for this reason,no need to care more women for high level job.There are many women in the world who are justice,lawyer, minister,parliamentarian .They perform their responsibilities and duties with dignity and skilled.This is because, they are hardworkers and qualified for this   posts Corruption is the great disease for state , it is worse than cancer . so make a proper well fear state . it is responsibilities for man and women to remove this  Ã‚   corruption   from the grass root level of state , corruption free state and protect and guarantee human rights such kind of well fare state no conflict man between women incase of high level jobs. Misuse is the worst weak point to protect human rights and establish rule of law it is absolutely possible misuse of power in government wish to protect the human rights .disqualified person never get high level jobs .this is possible on the basis of rule of law but we have to keep in mind knowledge and qualification only should be standard for higher level job but not consider sex. Political instability never bring any peace and security, safety and dignity for a nation .for the cause of corruption and missuse of power always coming political instability in a state. For these reason many qualified man and women totally deprive from the higher level jobs.such kind of political environment never consider knowledge and qualification and care fare and justice . There are many states where women hold high level post such as Bangladesh is a highest ranking   for the leadership of women   because there is a prime minister and opposition leader, home minister,foreign minister and agriculture minister all are women. they are not   elected as a women but for theire leadership there is no way to say government should have extra care for women .if they become knowledgeable, they will reach their goals. In Pakistan also had an ex-prime minister banzir butto who was a woman and she was elected for her political wisdom but her nation did not make her prime minister just consider as woman .there are many women perform their responsibilities and duties with due care and dignity . there is a president   in india is woman .there were former prime ministers Indira Gandi and Sonia gandi also were women. In usa ,hilari Clinton is secretary   of state of America so it is only possible for her qualification. In UK and Austrilia are handled supreme post by women,we do not like to make different between man and woman.As a human being all are equal,in case of dignity and rights and duties. Criticism of women ;most of the women across the world , to remind themselves busy in the kitchen .their mind do not want to work high abious job.They think , women responsibilities to produce baby and to take care and managing housing work.They do not know what are   their rights and duties.So   for this reason,they are tortured, oppressed,nepressd by men.Their voices are not strong for their rights.They do not know how to establish their civil and political rights.Even now women are not prepared to take leadership of high level jobs.They think leadership and management are only for men. Reservation of negative effect,If government reserve certain percentage for high level jobs,it will make a serious negative effect in a state.Now a days all of the countries have   recognised equal status of men and women.The certain percentage reservation will break the check and balance of a state.Day by day men will be unemployment which is not green signal for democratic states.So we do not agree on the statement of reservation of high level jobs for women.If government want to reserve must be for backward section people.There will be no any discrimination between men and women. It is high for women to raise their voices against injustice and unfair.Government can take effective step to make educated women.Women   have to be conscious for their fundamental rights.If government make them properly educated then they will get high level jobs.No need make any reservation for women,from every part of the world, women should be conscious about their rights and duties, They must   make pressure their own government to provide complete women rights. When they will be able to understand what are their rights and duties and will be qualified then they   will get high level jobs. In brief ,I would like to say dignity and honour should not be   given on the basis of sex.for the causes of sincerity ,honesty,sense of responsibility, punctuality and duty.So any man or woman   will hold high level job if he or she has qualification. No need to make speacil law for woman for high level jobs.Only knowledge and knowledge should be most priority and standard to hold high level job.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

My Last Duchess :: essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  A dramatic monologue is defined as a poem in which a single character is speaking to a person or persons- usually about an important topic. The purpose of most dramatic monologues is to provide the reader with an overall or intimate view of the character’s personality. A great poet can use punctuation and rhythm to make the poem appear as if it were an actual conversation. Robert Browning, known as the father of the dramatic monologue, does this in his poem, â€Å"My Last Duchess.'; The Duke of Ferrara, the speaker in â€Å"My Last Duchess,'; is portrayed as a jealous, arrogant man who is very controlling over his wife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Duke of Ferrara was made jealous by everything the duchess did, no matter how unimportant it was. He was especially jealous of Fra Pandolf, the man who painted the duchess in the poem. A woman should be pleased only by her husband, as was not the case with the duchess and Fra Pandolf. She was â€Å"too easily impressed'; by the painter (line 23). Fra Pandolf was not the only man that made the duke jealous. Everyone who passed the duchess received â€Å"much the same smile'; as the duke (line 44). The duke expected to be the only man to receive a smile from his wife.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Another aspect of the duke’s character addressed in the poem is his condescending attitude. Two times in the poem the duke needlessly told the names of the artists who created the masterpieces that he owned (lines 3 & 56). He felt superiority over the emissary he was speaking to by dropping these names. The duke addressed the emissary as a â€Å"never read stranger'; (line 6). Not only was it patronizing for the duke to call him a stranger, but he called him unintelligent too.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The third character trait of the duke is his controlling behavior. In lines nine and ten he told the emissary that no one â€Å"puts by the curtain'; that he had drawn for him but the duke himself. He felt the need to control who ever looked at the painting of the duchess. The main evidence of his dominating behavior is in line 46. The line reads, â€Å"†¦then all smiles stopped together.'; The line is ambiguous, but the most likely interpretation is that the duke had his wife killed. The poem can be interpreted in several different ways, but in all cases the duke is a very controlling man.

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Inevitability Essay examples -- essays research papers

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Snap! In an instant a disagreement has gotten out of hand. In one second beliefs have clashed. In a flash an argument has boiled over†¦In a single moment, your country has gone to war. Since the dawn of man there have been wars. There has been condescension, discontent, and greed. Since the beginning of time there have been instances of â€Å"good versus evil†. War takes lives. It kills fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters, daughters and sons. War is scary, but it is as necessary as it is inevitable. It is a simple fact that people disagree. Not everyone thinks the same way, everyone has their own individual opinion on topics, whether they be trivial or vital. People have debates and debates can get out of hand. When words can no longer solve a problem violence enters the picture and when the quarrel is between large groups of like minded people war erupts. People must not dismiss war as entirely evil. However bad war may seem, war gives people jobs. Without war soldiers would not be soldiers, our military branches would be obsolete, people who work in factories that make ammo, guns, Kevlar and all other equipment would be out of the job. Without war there would be no need for people who study for years and years to design new vehicles and weapons. Believe it or not war is a vital part of our economy. But war is not just about money. It’s not just about jobs and economy. War is how dreams of better things can become a reality. War is how freedom is earned and rights are given. It is through war that I’m able to write this paper expressing myself how I wish. It is through war that the United States of America has become the most powerful nation on earth with the highest standard of living. It is through war that angry moms can bash their own president. It is through war that brothers, sisters, fathers, sons and daughters can curse their own country. I cannot stand idly by while our country is divided as an effect of war. Everyday more and more people speak out against their own country and president. Painters paint pictures, singers sing songs, writers write stories and all the while their messages are absorbed by those around them. It has gotten to the point that today’s youth has grown hatred towards that which they should proud to be part of. My own sister, on a daily basis, resents her own school. She constantly speaks of ... ...anything can happen. Whenever I turn on the television all I ever see are artists, actors, singers, performers, and other public figures of an influential social stature arguing, for all to see, over subjects they know little about. Constantly there are individuals denouncing the president, and then there are others who follow his decisions blindly. As a people we are obligated to form our own opinions. We must not follow simply because we are told to. Likewise, we mustn't not follow simply to be contrary. War destroys towns and builds cities. It divides races and unites nations. War demolishes countries and forges empires. â€Å"There was a silly damn bird back before Christ, every few hundred years he built a pyre and burnt himself up. [†¦] But every time he burnt himself up he sprang out of the ashes, he got himself born all over again. And it looks like we’re doing the same thing, over and over†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (Ray Bradbury). War can create as much or more than it destroys. At the same moment a life is being taken another life is birthed. War is inevitable and once that is realized maybe then we can unite so that we may preserve that same freedom which allows us to choose whether we unite or not.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Hunger games Essay

Over the long hot summer I read an interesting book written by Suzanne Collins called The Hunger Games. It is an inspirational book about a small district in the post-apocalyptic nation of Panem in North America. The Hunger Games is an annual lottery in which one boy and one girl aged 12–18 from each of the twelve districts are selected to compete in a live televised battle to the death. This is an underdog story of Katniss Everdeen who is from district 12 a coal-mining district that is the poorest and least populated district. She is able to come out victorious and find her love Peeta Mellark who is also from district 12. This story shows people our age that even through adversity if you work hard enough you can do anything you want to. Katniss faced much adversity in her life from her father dying in a mine accident, her having to find food so her and her sister did not starve, and her taking the place of her sister when she is picked to take place in the hunger games. This relates to a lot of people because we face challenges in everyday life, but like Katniss we must be able to overcome these challenges and make the best of it. Katniss also showed a lot of bravery by taking the places of her sister in The Hunger Games this act of bravery is something that many people would not do. If you want to be brave in your life you must be able to sacrifice yourself for another person this is another reason why I believe this book related to so many people. I personally enjoyed this underdog story. The fact that the least likely winner of the games came out the winner makes the story great to me. I admire the bravery of Katniss for putting her life in danger to save her sister who I believe would have not survived the games. Another reason I like this book is because of the action and the fact that you must kill someone that might be your friend. It shows the desperation of people and how they fight to survive. As I read the book my opinion of Peeta change by at first I thought he said he loved Katniss in the beginning to add publicity and to get Katniss to trust him, and then he would kill her. I was wrong and it turns out that he did love her and they would both win the games because they refused to kill each other. This proves that you cannot judge some by there words but by there actions. In conclusion The Hunger Games is a book about love, bravery, and trust. With out theses Katniss and Peeta would not have been able to survive. It is also a story of how underdogs can win no matter what the chances are. It is an inspirational story that I believe everyone should get the chances to read. These are the reasons why I enjoyed and would recommended this book to people my age.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Miller comments Essay

During ‘The Crucible’ the acts which unfold able some characters to empower themselves: most notably Abigail Williams, Mary Warren and even John Proctor. Some characters begin with little or no power, then abuse the situations to gain power, whereas others begin with power and lose it, sometimes justly and other times unjustly. This could be seen as a moral message for the audiences of the play, warning of power abuse which could lead to devastating consequences. In the introductory comments, Miller comments before the events begin to unfold how â€Å"†¦the children were anything but thankful for being permitted to walk straight† which shows before the witchcraft trials and accusations had begun, children were powerless under the authority of the male dominated society -children had no power to roam freely. One of the people that gained power in the play is Mary Warren, who is a servant and so is one of the lowest ranks of the Puritan society- much like the children of Salem. At first she does not have any power at all as she is taught that she has to follow orders from the Proctors, who she works for. This is seen when she â€Å"lept† with â€Å"fright† upon Proctors entrance. Yet, she manages to turn from a â€Å"mouse† to a â€Å"daughter of a prince† as she suddenly gains power from working in the court, trying possible witches. Her increasing power is also shown from her defiance of Proctor when she refuses his order of not going to â€Å"court again†, and responds that she â€Å"must† and â€Å"will be gone everyday†. It also shown through stage directions, when Mary is â€Å"terrified† of Proctor but quickly becomes â€Å"erect†, which highlights her ability to overcome her fear of Proctor because of her growing confidence and power. Mary even manages to intimidate Proctor in this part of the play. When threatened with the â€Å"whip† from Proctor, she manages to threaten him further by responding â€Å"I would have you speak civilly to me, from this out. † Mary, filled with this newly found power, is able to threaten Procter to stop beating her or she will not speak so highly of his family next time. By using the phrase â€Å"from this out† shows that Mary doesn’t usually expect that kind of treatment from the Proctor, yet now she is able to demand it because of the power gain. Again, further on in the play Mary is also able to â€Å"numb† Proctor when she overthrows his â€Å"grip† on her to tell the truth about the accusations, and instead turns on him. When pressured by Abigail and the other girls, once they start accusing Mary to save themselves, she is not able to stand her ground – which highlights her feebleness and weakness which was seen at the very start of the play. This is seen as she even admits she has â€Å"no power†. This links to her inferior position in the society and even within her social group, she is not popular, and respected. This is shown when Abigail tells Mary to â€Å"shut it† and Mercy Lewis starts â€Å"pointing† and â€Å"looking† at Mary as if she were to blame. However, the fact that Mary was able to then accuse Proctor of being â€Å"devil’s man†, who is a highly respected in the village, shows that she does have more power than she started with. But she is abusing her power, to save herself and because of her lack of power on her social circle. So, this once ‘innocent’ girl who thought they â€Å"must tell the truth† took advantage of the situation so she and her friends would not be â€Å"whipped†. Overall, Mary arguably, has the most progressive power of all the girls and possibly all of the characters in ‘The Crucible’, but that’s not to say she has the most power overall. Another character like Mary Warren who gains power throughout the play is Abigail Williams. Once shunned and scorned by the inhabitants of the village because of her â€Å"blackened name†, Abigail becomes a domineering power, and is treated like a â€Å"saint†. A mere accusation from Abigail or one of her girls is enough to convict even a well-respected inhabitant of Salem like Rebecca Nurse who does â€Å"great charities†. Even though in present day we would associate â€Å"saint† with good Samaritans, which would seem absurd to see Abigail called this in present day, she was seen in this way because in puritan society if you went against god, you went against the law. So Abigail’s act of bringing Salem’s attention to the presence of the devil, and then through the court eradicating it was seen as an act of greatness. Abigail starts off as a scared young girl which is seen through Millers stage directions, as she â€Å"quavers† when being questioned by Parris about Betty’s mysterious illness. However, soon she is able to assert her power of the girls by â€Å"smashing† Betty round the face and threatening all the girls not to tell anyone about the events of the previous night, or she will â€Å"come† to them at the â€Å"black of one terrible night†. This implies they could be her prey, and if they make a wrong move she could pounce on them, which again puts her in a domineering position. This characteristic allows her to control within the group which creates more tension because Abigail also seems to be possessive which is seen when she says â€Å"Now look you. All of you†. The repetition of â€Å"you† makes the phrase quite aggressive and short commanding sentences have a strong impact, and make Abigail seem hostile but ultimately powerful. Her empowerment is also documented as the inhabitants of Salem think the â€Å"sea parts like Israel† for Abigail, so her sins are overlooked, as people take her word to be an expression of â€Å"God’s will. † This allowed Abigail to control and manipulate even the most powerful men in Salem, which is seen when Abigail threatens that Danforth- a high court official. So, Abigail Williams, who was once powerless in general society, is a perfect example of someone who became empowered by deciding the fate of other people and, by controlling and threatening people. Although, Abigail did have a powerful status among her social group from the outset and throughout which is shown when she starts â€Å"pointing with fear† and accusing Mary of â€Å"hurting her†, and quickly all the girls chime in with her. The third character who is subtly empowered is John Proctor. Despite his prideful ways, John Proctor describes himself as a â€Å"sinner. † His conversation with Elizabeth in act two where he exclaims for Elizabeth to â€Å"judge him not† demonstrated his internal conflict and his own unwillingness to forgive himself for his act of lechery. There are moments when his anger and disgust towards himself burst forth, such as when he exclaims to Judge Danforth: â€Å"I hear the boot of Lucifer, I see his filthy face! And it is my face, and yours. † So, although it is not clear from the outset that John Proctor has been empowered, he has. He is able for the first time to â€Å"see some shred of goodness† in himself- his relief from his constant guilt- when he decides to deny his confession. In conclusion, all three characters were empowered through the play, which led to the unjust killing of numerous inhabitants of Salem through the false allegations of witchcraft. So, Miller uses this to show the audience the consequence of abuse of power. Abigail is the best example because she falls from her position of high power, and resorts to boarding a â€Å"ship†, in order to escape.

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

The comparison of capital structure across industry in UK Dissertation

The comparison of capital structure across industry in UK - Dissertation Example This research work aims at reviewing the literature and identifying the factors which determine the capital structure of firms, and then empirically investigating the relationship between leverage and factors influencing it in different industries in the United Kingdom, which include basic materials sector, financial services sector, customer services sector, consumer goods sector and real estate sector. In this regard, the researcher has made use of secondary sources of information to collect information required for analysis and has conducted descriptive and statistical analysis. The results obtained do not exactly match with the findings form the literatures. OLS method is used to test four hypotheses based on the factors affecting leverage ratio or debt-to-equity ratio using 40 companies from each of five sectors. Only in case of basic materials sector the model is significant and we find a significant relationship of leverage ratio with free cash flow and tax benefits. Again for financial services sector tax benefits is significantly associated with leverage but other variables are not. Amongst the control variables (tax benefits and growth rate) only tax benefits is inversely related in case of basic materials and directly related in case of financial services. ... es Figure 1: Preliminary Understanding of Debt to Equity Ratios in the Sectors Selected 33 List of Tables Table 1: Preliminary Understanding of Debt to Equity Ratios in the Sectors Selected 32 Table 2: Descriptive Findings – Basic Materials 34 Table 3: Descriptive Findings – Financial Services 35 Table 4: Descriptive Findings – Consumer Services 35 Table 5: Descriptive Findings – Consumer Goods 36 Table 6: Descriptive Findings – Real Estate 37 Table 7: Regression Analysis – Basic Materials Sector 38 Table 8: Regression Analysis – Financial Services Sector 39 Table 9: Regression Analysis – Consumer Services Sector 41 Table 10: Regression Analysis – Consumer Goods Sector 42 Table 11: Regression Analysis – Real Estate Sector 44 Chapter 1 – Introduction 1.1. Background to the Context At present all the major business organizations are uncertain regarding the fiscal decision which has to choose between the organi zational debts and its equity capital (Kuhn, 2006). The capital structure of an organization has a direct influence either positive or negative (Bierman, 2003), on the output i.e., revenue and profits and the business. The basic target of researchers while investigating capital structure, were mainly the developed countries particularly UK. Researchers have shown that firms of developing nations tend more to raise capital through equity while developed nations raise capital through leverage or external debt. The legal conditions and tax incentives play a significant role in a firm’s decision about capital structure. Hence a nation with underdeveloped capital market conditions and low protection of creditors will choose internal sources of funds (Baker and Martin, 2011). Decisions regarding capital structure are not an easy task (George,

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Quantitative Methods Class discussion wk7 Coursework

Quantitative Methods Class discussion wk7 - Coursework Example It means there must be parameters of identifying effective model inputs and outputs to improve robustness for further research (Anderson, 2012). Third, sensitivity analysis would be helpful when presenting certainty and uncertainty prospects when interpreting headcount, linear programming, operating expenses, and future tax rates. Therefore, in regards to understanding how shadow price operates, it is integral to understand the function of monetary values in the calculation of costs. Calculation, thus, entails the determination of how marginal utility applies in the economics of constrained optimization. Additionally, seeking of optimal solution means that the shadow price must abide by the limited resources that are found in the production line when a business is operating above a given limit. In the same context, through the use of infinitesimal change and the Lagrange multiplier, dual variables are calculable because of cost decisions. Overall, shadow pricing focusses on the impact of monetary values of goods and services being sold at the optimal level in the